Healthy & Strong – not just skinny!
Lose Fat, Gain Confidence, Transform Your Life


Knowledge is Power
Washington, DC – Start Living from Your Heart!
What is Living from the Heart? “When we live from the brain we live in a constant state of stress and hypervigilance - to protect our own survival”, said Jana Lerbach, wellness coach. “When we ignore the heart and the emotional part of us, it impacts our physical...
Wake Up Early! While Others Are Dreaming, You Will be Making Your Dreams Come True!
I gave my clients a reading assignment. I asked ALL of them to read The Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod. During the past two months, I have been helping them to implement the lessons from the book into their lives. This small book is incredibly...
No more before pictures! – This is not a trick.
Wow! October is here. As I write this newsletter, we have exactly 87 days left until the new year. Get ready folks! We still can accomplish so much in 2021. I must confess that September was a very transformative month for me personally and for my practice (aka my...
Personal Success
Before: law student, anxious and depressed, 180 lbs., 35% of body fat, size 16/18.
After: lifestyle coach, happy and excited about life, 148 lbs., 21% of body fat, size 4/6.
Jana understands transformations because she went through one herself!
The journey is hard but it is even harder if you go through it alone.
Proven Results
Clients Results
Pounds Lost
Waist Inches Lost
Minutes Meditating
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